Monroe Township Zoning

The Monroe Township Zoning Department provides a variety of planning and zoning services including:

  • Administration and enforcement of the Township’s Zoning Resolution.
  • Service to residents and customers applying for zoning certificates and other approvals.
  • Administrative and technical support to the Township’s Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.
  • Technical support to the Board of Township Trustees on planning projects, land use applications, and zoning.

The Zoning Department is responsible for guiding development within the Township in accordance with the Monroe Township Comprehensive Plan and the applicable regulations. The Department works in coordination with multiple regional partner agencies, including the Licking County Engineer’s Office and Health Department, and the Licking County Planning Commission (LCPC).

Mission Statement

The mission of the Monroe Township Zoning Department is to promote the orderly and efficient development of the Township by ensuring compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Resolution.

Do I need a Zoning Certificate (Permit)?

New buildings (structures) or residences, building additions, decks, patios, fences, swimming pools, sheds, accessory buildings, and a variety of other projects all require approval of a zoning certificate or permit by the Township Zoning Department. Many projects may require additional permits or approvals, including from the Licking County Building Department. A zoning certificate is not the same thing as a building permit secured from the Licking County Building Department. It is possible that a project that is exempt from a building permit could still require a zoning certificate, or vis-versa. Please contact the Zoning Inspector with specific questions about your project, and we will assist you in making this determination.

Resource List

2025 zoning fee schedule


  • $1200.00


  • $1200.00


  • $500.00 plus an additional $3.00 per sq. ft. of sign space


  • $.20 per sq. ft. for all living space & $.20 per sq. ft. for basement & $.20 per sq. ft. for garage area.


  • $500.00 fee plus $.20 per sq. ft. for all areas.

Residential/Commercial Solar Panels

  • $2,000.00 pluse $.25 per sq. ft. of Solar Panel Area minimum fee of $200.00

Telecommunications Tower

  • $.25 per sq. ft. area measured between Guy-Wires

Zoning Conditional Use Permit

  • $1200.00

Lot Split Permit

  • F. Lot Split Permit - $200.00 for the first split and $150.00 for each additional split

Occupancy Permit

  • County Handles

Relocation of Structure Permit

  • When the structure is being moved to a new location, fees same as the residence if the structure is being moved only to the existing property $1,000

Garages & Accessory Building Permits

  • $.25 per' sq. ft. for all area minimum fee $200.00

Additions to existing structure

  • $.25 per sq. ft. for living area & $.25 per sq. ft. for garage and storage area (commercial not included) minimum fee $200.00.

Commercial and Industrial Permit (including sales & service areas)

  • $1,500.00 for the first 400 sq. ft., $.50 per sq. ft. additional

Review of Planned Unit Developments

  • $2,000.00

Contact Information

TWP Complex Address:
7621 Johnstown-Alex Rd., Johnstown, OH 43031

Monroe Twp complex is in the maintenance building located at the Northwest end of the Greenhill Cemetery at 7621 Johnstown Alexandria Road.

Mailing Address:
Monroe TWP
9444 Woodhaven Rd, Johnstown, OH 43031

Phone: 740-967-1900

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